Vikki Hill



In february  ’11 my 10 year old son started talking nasely, I thought he may be getting a cold so tried antihistamines, but when I looked in his throat I could see a mass at the back and his uvula was pushed to one side, after seeing our GP and a short spell in our local hospital we were referred to Great Ormond St in London who did a biopsy and my son was diagnosed with Burkitts of the tonsil & soft palette, his tumour was the size of an orange, a few more days and he would have just suffocated in his sleep, luckily even though it was a large tumour we caught it early enough to be still grade one at diagnosis. 6 months of chemo, and intrathecal steroids, we reached remission, Now 15 months post treatment and the chances of it coming back down to 2-3%, life is finally getting some normality back!!! At our hospital, only one other little boy has had Burkitts in 3 years, his presented in his abdomen, and his was at panic stations a few times also but he too is at 18 months post treatment, his family are getting some normality back also!!!

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