The National Marrow Donor Program® /Be The Match® has a new program to help patients and their families learn about and access clinical trials. The Jason Carter Clinical Trials Program provides 3 areas of free support for patients with blood cancers and blood disorders:
One-on-one telephone support (888-814-8610) and information from a clinical trial nurse to help patients and families navigate their clinical trial search.
Easy-to-use, web-based search tool to find relevant clinical trials
Easy-to-understand educational resources for patients and families to learn about cancer treatment options and clinical trials.
On the website there are clinical trial descriptions related to leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood cancers. Every day more descriptions are being added. Treatments in some of these clinical trials include blood or marrow transplant (BMT), but other trials include the latest therapies such as CAR T cells and other immunotherapies.
Patients can also apply for financial assistance from the Drs. Jeffrey and Isabel Chell Clinical Trials Travel Grant. This grant works to offset the cost of travel related to clinical trial participation. Grant eligibility information and application are available on
This link will take you to the Burkitt lymphoma trials that are listed on our site:
Please call 888-814-8610 or email for assistance with your clinical trial search.