Nathan Bush Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fundraiser
I am a Child Cancer Survivor! I was diagnosed with stage 3 Burkitts Lymphoma at the age of 14. All a kid ever hears is how older people always get cancer and pass away, so I was scared for my life. I had 4 tumors raging inside of my body. I had one on the underside of my lung, one on my spine, and one in each thigh. It was all over me and I had no idea until I had a hard time breathing. I am so very proud to say, as of August 12th, 2016 I am cancer free! I’m telling you all of this because I, Nathan Bush, have started to help out some close friends in their fundraiser for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Student Of the Year campaign. Please be sure to donate to my fundraising page: and help save lives, and to end blood cancers!