Cancer Treatment Centers


One of the ways to find the right cancer treatment center for you is to ask your insurance company or your oncologist. If you have time to chose, you may not. It is always good to get several opinions if you have the time and basically look into which clinic would be the best for your situation. But with Burkitt’s, getting treated promptly is the best idea in my opinion. Some of the Cancer Center’s that I have looked into that I consider the top notch centers are listed below. These are not in any special order of preference and there are a lot of centers not listed capable of treating you. Your local treatment center may be the right choice for you, because it is close to home and various other reasons. You need excellent quality care right now for Burkitt’s, and the sooner you get started the better.
Click the name to go there.


University of Texas MD Anderson Houston, Tx
  Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle, Wa.
Mayo Clinic three location, FL, MN, and AZ.
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center
Stanford Medicine Cancer Center , CA
UCLA Health System, CA